Weigh In

June 17, 2011

I was so pleased to get on the scale this morning and see 151.7. My weight has been a crazy roller coaster ride lately and I am glad to be at a new low. My trip to Nebraska to meet my man's family is 15 days away and I am DETERMINED to be in the 140's.

On a side note,  2 days ago I received a Facebook group invite for my High School Reunion! WTF...has it REALLY been 10 years! And more importantly, do I REALLY want to see all of those people? Especially with an ass this big???

I think it's  hilarious that our class president wants the reunion to be a rafting trip - clearly she hasn't gained any weight since high school. I, on the other hand, have a HUGE issue with being in a bathing suit in front of all those people

Has anyone gone to their reunion? What about skipped their reunion? Were you happy with whatever decision you made? I don't really know if I want to go. I kinda feel that everyone I wanted to keep in touch with, I have. And everyone else I get "all the dirt" I need from Facebook - HA!

Would love your input! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and is lucky enough to spend it with their Daddies...I won't because my Dad is a $400 plane flight away, but I LOVE HIM ANYWAYS!!! :)

Rachelle xoxo


S said...

Haven't had a high school reunion yet, mostly because I've only been out 4-5 years and I don't think anyone wants to plan one for our grad year just yet... BUT, I think the only reason I'd go is to have a laugh with old buddies. Don't want to take myself too seriously there or else I may end up with a bad case of the blues. But high school -- that's a reunion you might want to go to if it's worth laughing over. Otherwise, ERR, skip it. Spend that day doing something awesome with awesome people. That's what counts.

I did have a middle school reunion, and I skipped it bigtime. People were already looking at me like I was a fish out of water when I was there... Since then, I lost quite a bit (not nearly enough though with the university yoyo lifestyle), and I can hear them whispering about it whenever anyone I've known sees me in the supermarket or on a bus. Should be flattering, but honestly, it's even more annoying than being called the fat girl. The "not so fat but still chubby girl" is not a cool nickname, ha ha.

Either way, if you do go -- there ought to be drama (that's fun, sometimes, in not-so-Jersey Shore amounts) and fun (maybe?). Good luck!

And I just wanted to add -- great blog! I love you chronicled your journey in both pictures and a real-time timeline. Life happens.

- Suzette
(http://versusmonde.blogspot.com, GIRL VS GUT)

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